John E.
A fine art site of visual and aural imagery

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 Welcome to the new site    Tuesday, February 20, 2007   

Welcome, folks, to the new site.  I've mostly copied over my old, photography only site, but I've added a few things - particularly music.  Plans include finally getting the photo gallery in shape, and uploading some new compositions.  At some future point, the goal is to combine the photographs and music into single works.

Photography took another blow this month. Forte had produced photographic products in Hungary since 1922.  It closed its doors last week, apparently because the riverside property the plant sat on was far too valuable as a site for condos.  I, of course, had just in December decided on Forte paper as a replacement for Kodak's discontinued Azo.  The paper problem is very serious.  It seems that as of now, only Ilford and Kentmere in England are reliable paper sources.  Foma in the Czech Republic may be.  Efke in Croatia is questionable - I've had problems with the coating on Efke film lately.   Deciding on a paper has been one of the chief holdups in moving forward on the photo gallery.

As for music, things seem to be set.  The software is now upgraded to an E-mu Emulator X2 synthesizer, lots of E-mu sounds, Garritan Personal Orchestra for orchestral sounds, and Garritan Jazz and Big Band for additional acoustic instruments.  The X2 allows me to sample my old Korg synthesizer (it's developed dead keys) so the sounds are available.  I've added lots of custom sounds to the mix.

Last week's big project was writing and sequencing the score for a video project on the Vive Verde living office building project in Lake Worth, Florida.

Plus, take a look at the myspace page for The Christal River Band, a group I played in back in the mid-80s.  Guitarist Rhea Sama set up the page and you can listen to four of the songs we recorded back in 1985.

(c) 1968-today John E. Simmons