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 510 Pyro tests    Friday, February 23, 2007   

I'm sorry to see that Jay DeFehr, creator of 510 Pyro and other developers says he's had a personal tragedy and can't practice photography.  I hope things get better for him.

Cooler temperatures in the winter mean I can experiment with developers at temperatures that more closely approximate what folks in most of the rest of the world use.  My pipes run through my roof, so for most of the year, my developing must be done at 80F.  There's simply no practical way to consistently reduce the water temperature.  Except for winter.

Last night I developed Adox PL100 BTZS test negatives in 510 Pyro at 72F.  I'll get the results posted over the weekend.  I'm also planning to make development tests with Pyrocat PC - the Vitamin C/P-Aminophenol version of Sandy King's Pyrocat HD.  Advantages of this version are that the chemicals dissolve in propylene glycol, so the stock solution should last indefinitely.

(c) 1968-today John E. Simmons