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 Remington Quietriter UQ4020497 (1960s)
  Wednesday, September 21, 2005   
Remington Quietriter 60s Version

This is the sad tale of an eBay purchase.  I spotted this nice looking version of a "60s" Remington Quietriter. Since this machine is largely covered in plastic, before bidding, I emailed the seller and asked if he would be willing to pack the machine itself in bubble wrap inside the case, and then securely wrap the case before putting it in a box.  He assured me he would.

I bid successfully.

When I picked up the box at the Post Office, it rattled. Not a good sign.  When I got the package home, I was surprised to see that the case was simply inserted in a box with no packing at all. I opened the case, and the typewriter was loose inside, again with no packing.  The plastic cover over the typebars was lying in dozens of small pieces inside the case.

Additionally, something happened to the mechanism that controls the carriage.  It now refuses to catch when pushed to the right.  It returns to the left.

This machine was made in England, and I don't see a similar serial number on the Typewriter Database - UQ4020497.


(c) 1968-today John E. Simmons