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 Remington Deluxe Noiseless - ND170170 (1940)
  Friday, September 23, 2005   

This is a Remington Deluxe Noiseless typewriter.  It's supposed to be pre-war and essentially a Model 7 with a smaller paper table.

This is a Remington Deluxe Noiseless typewriter.  It's supposed to be pre-war and essentially a Model 7 with a smaller paper table.


This one has wrinkle paint, which is supposed to be standard, but the serial number doesn't match.  It should be ND followed by six-digits.  This one is N1170170. No "D" and too many digits. Maybe the D misstruck and it's ND170170 if so, it's a 1940 model.


(c) 1968-today John E. Simmons