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Ansco 231 Gold Photographic Toner

FormulasThis formula gives a range of red tones to sepia-toned prints, the brilliance of the tone depending on the paper used. Brilliant chalk-red tones are produced on Cykon and India tone, while with Cykora darker shades are formed. If desired, deep blue tones may also be obtaned with this formula by using black-and-white prints instead of prints that have first been sepia-toned. Unusual effects of mixed tones of blue-black shadoes and soft reddish high-lights can be produced by using prints which have been partially toned in a hypo alum sepia toner.


Hot Water (125F or 52C) 750 ml
Ammonium Sulfocyanate 105 g
Gold Chloride, 1% solution ** 60 ml
Water to make 1 L


For Red Tones: Prints must first be bleached and toned by sulfide redevelopment method (Ansco 221). After washing, place prints in above solution until toning is complete (requires 15-45 minutes). For redder tone, one-half the specified amount of sulfocyanate may be used.


For Deep Blue Tones: Omit sepia tonight operation and place well-washed black-and-white prints directly in above toning solution.


For Mixed Tones: Prints should be incompletely toned in a hypo alum toner, such as Ansco 222, and washeed before treatment in above solution.


Ammonium sulfocyanate may be substituted by sodium sulfocyanate – 110 g or by Potassium sulfocyanate 135 g.


**The contents of a 15-grain bottle of Ansco Gold Chloride dissolved in 3 1/2 ounces of water will give a 1% solution.


From Ansco Formulas for Black and White Film by GAF, 1948 – Formulas are provided for historical reference. They may not work well with modern films and papers. Some of the chemicals can be dangerous. As with all photographic processes, be careful.