I’ll be happy to design/convert your book for you. I work on a first-come-first-served basis, so I may have several books ahead of you. When we reach an agreement, and I receive your materials, I can give you an estimate of when your book will be finished. A book generally takes about a week to complete after I’ve started. I will supply you with two files – one for the Amazon Kindle (.mobi) , and a second (.epub) file for Apple, Barnes and Noble, etc. My prices are determined by just how complex your book is. It’s best to tell me a little about your book with the first contact
- Fiction or non-fiction
- Novel or something else
- How many photographs or other illustrations
- Approximate length in words
The best way to get in touch with me is by email.

You can also telephone me, but I’m away from the telephone a lot. You can leave a message, and I’ll return your call if I miss you.

What I’ll need from you is a file of your book – Microsoft Word (or other word processor) file is best, but I can also work with a pdf. I’ll also need a book cover. If you don’t have a cover or a graphics artist to make one, I can refer you to artists who have done good work for my clients in the past.

As I said earlier, I’ll supply you with files for both Amazon and all the others. Plus I’ll correctly size and set the color space of your cover.
I can work with you on uploading to Amazon and Barnes and Noble. I can supply a checklist for you to do the upload yourself. If you are in northeast Florida or southeast Georgia, I could possibly meet you somewhere (including your home) and do the upload for you. I don’t like to do it this way, but a couple of authors have trusted me with their personal information and passwords, and I’ve done the upload from my office. In uploading the books, you’ll need to supply the vendors your Social Security Number, you bank account number, and the bank routing number. These are needed so you can get paid.
Apple iTunes uploads are more complex and must be done with Apple software. That means a Mac is required. I can give you further instructions, if you need them. If you want to sell on iTunes, but don’t have a Mac, I do have one and can do the upload for you. Again, this will mean trusting me with sensitive information.
You will have an account with both Amazon and Nook Press (Barnes and Noble). When you log into your account, you can check on how many books you have sold and see how much you have been paid. Both pay within a few months of sales. It’s a delay, but not nearly what we have with traditional publishers.