For the next week or so, we’ll allow downloads of Michael R. Warren’s latest story – The Infrared Dead.
Mambo Ramirez, Metro City’s most inept private detective, is on the job again. After a chance encounter with an old high school classmate, the well-endowed and sexually voracious Meryl Shepard, Mambo is hurled into a landscape filled with dark and sinister forces.
Once the investigation begins, Mambo, along with his trusty sidekick, Floyd Barton, finds himself dealing with channeled alien spirits, a dysfunctional and fate-driven Mexican car, a mysterious sacred Hopi pot, a shady Bigfoot hunter, and a media critic infatuated with sixties boy bands. This case may be Mambo’s biggest challenge. But challenges are nothing new to Mambo, who suffers from seizure disorder – and an inability to form a coherent investigative plan.
Questions abound: Has Dr. Zorba’s new therapeutic approach finally put a brake on Floyd’s habit of streaking nude down the roads of Metro City? Will Mambo succumb to Meryl’s enticing charms? And what is Floyd doing running around in a rumpled sailor’s uniform?
With the help of fate, Tippy Toes the cat, Floyd, and a large red brick, will Mambo solve the secrets of The Infrared Dead? Nobody knows – least of all Mambo.
Below are links to .mobi files for your Kindle, ePub files for Nook or iPad or other eReader, and a pdf file to read on your computer.
All we ask is that you return an leave a comment after reading.